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How to Stop Procrastinating or Start Building a New Habit?

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

One of the most efficient methods is the Seinfeld Strategy (a.k.a Don't Break The Chain Method).

Habitsky ✩ The Seinfeld Strategy Don't Break the Chain Habit Tracker Printable Template
Habitsky ✩ The Seinfeld Strategy Don't Break the Chain Habit Tracker Printable Template

What is the Seinfeld Strategy or Don't Break The Chain Method?

The Seinfeld Strategy or Don't Break the Chain Method is to follow a task everyday by checking a box on a calendar. By doing so, you create a chain growing longer everyday. The only thing you need to do is to not break the chain.

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, explains the Seinfeld Strategy in one of his articles. Here is our favorite part from James Clear's article:

"Mastery Follows Consistency"

"The central question that ties our community together — and what I try to write about every Monday and Thursday — is “how do you live a healthy life?” This includes not merely nutrition and exercise, but also exploration and adventure, art and creativity, and connection and community.

But no matter what topic we’re talking about, they all require consistency. No matter what your definition is of a “healthy life,” you’ll have to battle procrastination to make it a reality. Hopefully, the Seinfeld Strategy helps to put that battle in perspective.

Don’t break the chain on your workouts and you’ll find that you get fit rather quickly.

Don’t break the chain in your business and you’ll find that results come much faster.

Don’t break the chain in your artistic pursuits and you’ll find that you will produce creative work on a regular basis.

So often, we assume that excellence requires a monumental effort and that our lofty goals demand incredible doses of willpower and motivation. But really, all we need is dedication to small, manageable tasks. Mastery follows consistency."

Which habits does the Seinfeld Strategy work the best for?

The secret is all about consistency. You can use the Seinfeld Strategy when you need to stop procrastinating and be consistent in building your new habit:

  • Daily meditation routine

  • Workout challenge

  • Starting a new business

  • Intermittent fasting

  • Boosting productivity

  • Establishing reading routine

  • Learning to play a music instrument

  • Keeping up a project

  • Drinking water regularly

  • ...

Now, you can start with Habitsky!

Simply apply the Seinfeld Strategy (a.k.a Don't Break the Chain Method) and grow your chain longer everyday. All you need to do is to start with a calendar. Check out the Habitsky printable template designed for Don't Break the Chain method.

Note: The idea of the Seinfeld Strategy is not originally generated by Seinfeld. His reply is here. No matter who originated the idea we still love it and apply it as the Habitsky team.

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